with Tiziana Filippini, pedagogista from the world- renowned infant-toddler centres and preschools in Reggio Emilia
As we come together with new groups of children in the fall, as seeds of relationships are nurtured, we will begin the process of getting to know each other and the natural world in preparation for a year long project with children, guided by Tiziana Filippini.
This series offers an extraordinary opportunity for sustained engagement with Tiziana Filippini and also with a consistent small group of colleagues – pedagogical companions – who will meet online between each of the gatherings with Tiziana. These gatherings – a key part of our “piazza” – are designed for participants to share what they have documented as they work with the ideas Tiziana offers about investigating the natural world with children in local contexts, and to make meaning and exchange perspectives. What does it mean to design for learning, to research with children, to document with intention and to support children as they develop theories in their encounters with the living world. Our gatherings with Tiziana will be recorded and made available to registrants via the Reggio Children website. Our intention is not only to deepen understanding of Reggio Emilia’s approach, but also to give visibility to the experience of children and educators as this pedagogy influences what is noticed, what is tried, and what is learned. We encourage joining as a group and also encourage those in the role of pedagogical leads to bring educators who work with children into this experience with them.
The gatherings with Tiziana take place on the following dates,
* 12:30-2:30 p.m: October 9; 12:00- 2:00 p.m.: November 20; January 15; February 26
The interim gatherings take place on the following dates,
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.: October 1; November 6; December 11; February 12
* attendance is not required as the link to the video will be made following the gathering for participants to view
ORA’s mission is to walk with courageous educators who inhabit a place of hope and optimism, who listen and act with intelligence and compassion, and always in relationship with…. We are in dialogue with the educators in Reggio Emilia, and exist to organize opportunities to come together to interrogate our assumptions about children, educators, families, communities, and the places we inhabit, and to recognize and challenge our discourses so we can incline toward the level of joy, creativity, relationship, complexity and engagement that is the “everyday utopia” of Reggio Emilia’s education and cultural project.
In order to animate this mission, we are offering a discount on registration for groups of 5 or more who will commit to grow a relationship as pedagogical companions. It is not necessary that you work in the same organization.
Individual members – $200.00/person
5-9 members – $185.00/person
10+ members – $175.00/person
All registrants must be members of ORA. Registration is limited.
Organization Memberships can be purchased by contacting membership@ontarioreggioassociation.ca