
The following resources include a selection of articles, books and other publications related to the Reggio Emilia Approach®.

Many of these resources are available to purchase or order from:

Different Drummer Books:  
513 Locust St, Burlington, ON L7S 1V3

Reggio Children offers digital resources to support ongoing research:

We have organized these resources into three “rooms”, and within each room, there is a consistent set of “shelves”: books; articles; digital resources; audiovisual resources; online video recordings; resources available in French.  We recognize that the list is not exhaustive, and we will endeavour to keep both the list and any hyperlinks current.  We also recognize that any curation such as this is contestable.  We have briefly identified our rationale for the placement of titles.

The first room includes primary source material, i.e., written/created by the educators of Reggio Emilia and/or published by, or available from Reggio Children.  It also contains titles that have a significant proportion of the content written by educators from Reggio Emilia.

The second room includes resources written by educators outside of Reggio Emilia.   describing their interpretation of and experience with their understanding of The Reggio Emilia Approach®.

The third room includes contextual material – books and articles that can help us to think critically about contextual issues – discourses and geopolitical matters that are important for us to understand and address if we are to make transformation possible.  These will generally include reference to Reggio Emilia, but address our dominant discourses rather than delving into details about the pedagogical strategies of the Reggio Emilia Approach.  Provincial documents will also be included in this room.

Many of these resources are available to purchase or order:

in Canada from:
Different Drummer Books:
513 Locust St, Burlington, ON L7S 1V3

in the United States from:

in Australia from:
Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange

Requests for individual articles published in Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange can be sent to Judy Kaminsky:

The First Room:

Resources written/created either entirely or containing a significant amount of content by the educators of Reggio Emilia and/or published, or available from Reggio Children. 

 Entries that begin with an asterisk* indicate authors / contributors include educators from Canada. 


Anceschi, A., & Maccaferri, E.  (Eds.). (2022). Accorpamenti: Resonances between dance and music. (C. Vickers & J. Wood, Trans.).  Reggio Children.

Baldini, R., Cavallini, I., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2012). One city, many children: Reggio Emilia, a history of the present. (J. McCall, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Barazzoni, R. (2018). Brick by brick: The history of the XXV Aprile Municipal Preschool of Villa Cella. (J. Costa & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Cagliari, P., Castagnetti, M., Giudici, C., Rinaldi, C., Vecchi, V., & Moss, P. (Eds.). (2016). Loris Malaguzzi and the schools of Reggio Emilia: A selection of his writings and speeches, 1945-1993. (J. McCall, Trans.). Routledge.

Castagnetti, M., Rubizzi, L., & Vecchi, V. (1995). A journey into the rights of children. (L. Morrow, Trans.) Reggio Children.

Cavallini, I., Filippini, T., Trancossi, L., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2008). The park is… . Reggio Children.

Cavallini, I., Filippini, T., Trancossi, L., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2008). We write shapes that look like a book. (J. McCall & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Cavallini, I., Filippini, T., Vecchi, V., & Trancossi, L. (Eds.). (2011). The Wonder of Learning:  The Hundred Languages of Children. (J. McCall, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Cavallini, I., & Tedeschi, M. (Eds.). (2008). The languages of food: Recipes, experiences, thoughts. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Ceppi, G. & Zini, M. (Eds.). (1998). Children, spaces, relations: Metaproject for an environment for young children. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children and Domus Academy Research Center.

Davoli, M., & Ferri, G. (Eds.). (2000). Reggio tutta: A guide to the city by the children. (G. Grassselli & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (Eds.). (1993). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Ablex.

*Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (Eds.). (1998). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach – Advanced reflections (2nd ed.). Ablex.

Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (Eds.). (2012). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia experience in transformation (3rd ed.). Praeger.

Edwards, C., & Rinaldi, C. (2009). The diary of Laura. Redleaf Press.

Ferrari, A., & Giacopini, E. (Eds.). (2005). REMIDA Day Muta… menti (Mind mutations). (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Filippini, T., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (1997). The hundred languages of children: Catalogue of the exhibit. (2nd ed.). (T. Filippini, Podini, N. B., Richardson, CC., & Morrow, L., Trans.). Reggio Children.

Filippini, T., & Vecchi, V. (2009). Browsing through ideas. (J. McCall, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Filippini, T., Giudici, C., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2008). Dialogues with places. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Giamminuti, S., Cagliari, P., Giudici, C., Strozzi, P. (2023). The Role of the Pedagogista in Reggio Emilia: Voices and Ideas for a Dialectic Educational Experience. (J. McCall, Trans.). Routledge.

Reggio Children (2015). Historical Notes and General Information: The Infant-toddler Centres and Preschools of Reggio Emilia. (J. McCall & L. Morrow, Trans.).

Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (2018). Bordercrossings: Encounters with living things / digital landscapes. (J. McCall, Trans.). Reggio Children.

McKeag, J., Nicholson, M., & Kun, T. (Eds.). (2016). The hundred languages in ministories: Told by teachers and children from Reggio Emilia. (L. Gandini & L. Morrow, Trans.). Davis Publications; Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (1995). Fountains – From a project for the construction of an amusement park for birds. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (1995). Tenderness. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (1996). The little ones of silent movies: Make-believe with children and fish at the Infant-toddler Center.  ( G. Rabitti, & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (1997).  Shoe and meter: Children and measurement. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (2008). We write shapes that look like a book. (J. McCall & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (2010). Indications Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. (2017). Charter of services of the municipal infant-toddler centres and preschools. (L. Morrow, Trans.).  NAREA.

Project Zero and Reggio Children (2001). Making learning visible: Children as individual and group learners. Project Zero and Reggio Children.

Rinaldi, C. (2006). In dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, researching and learning. Routledge.

Rinaldi, C. (2021). In dialogue with Reggio Emilia: Listening, researching and learning (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Study Group on “Identities and Functions of the City and Childhood Councils”. (2003). Charter of the city and childhood councils. (J. McCall, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Strozzi, P., & Vecchi, V. ((2002). Advisories: Five- and six-year-old children tell incoming three-year-olds about their new preschool. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Sturloni, S., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2006). Everything has a shadow, except ants. (Costa, J. & Morrow, L., Trans.).Reggio Children.

Vecchi, V., & Giudici, C. (Eds.). (2004). Children, art, artists: The expressive languages of children, the artistic language of Alberto Burri. (G. Grasselli & L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Vecchi, V. (Ed.). (2002). Theater curtain: The ring of transformation. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Vecchi, V. (2010). Art and creativity in Reggio Emilia: Exploring the role and potential of ateliers in early childhood education. (J. McCall & L. Morrow, Trans.). Routledge.

Vecchi, V., & Ruozzi, M. (Eds.). (2015). Mosaic of marks, words, material. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Books available in French

Filippini, T., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2001). Les cents langages des enfants : Catalogue de l’exposition. (2ième ed.) (P. Scaltriti, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Malaguzzi, L., Rinaldi, C., Casarini, T., Gambetti, A., & Piazza, G. (Eds.). (1999). Les Fontaines, d’après un projet pour la construction d’un parc d’attractions pour les petits oiseaux. (P. Scaltriti, Trans.). Reggio Children.

Marastoni, F., & Borciani, E. (Eds.). (2021). Indications: Les écoles préscolaires et les centres poupons-bambins de la municipalité de Reggio Emilia. (Association Reggio de l’Ontario Trans.). Reggio Children.

Sturloni, S., & Vecchi, V. (Eds.). (2000). Tout a une ombre hormis les fourmis. (P. Scartriti, Trans.). Reggio Children.


Bonilauri, S., & Quinti, B. (2020). The art of research dwells in the hands of children: Educational research in the Reggio Emilia Approach. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 27(3), 4-11.

Cagliari, P., Giudici, C., Pranzitelli, M., & Vecchi, V. (2011). Children and figurative writing. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 18(2), 5-11.

Edwards, C., & Gandini, L. (2015).  Teacher research in Reggio Emilia: Evidence of a dynamic, evolving role.

Filippini, T. (2017). Insights, answers, and advice. Africa Reggio Emilia Alliance.

Gandini, L. (1990). The Role of the Atelierista: An Interview with Vea Vecchi.

Gandini, L. (2008). Introduction to the fundamental values of the education of young children in Reggio Emilia.

Giudici, C. (2011). Between signs and writing: How children approach the written code. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 18(2), 1-4.

Malaguzzi, L. (1994) Your image of the child: Where teaching begins. (B. Rankin, L. Morrow, & L. Gandini, Trans.). Exchange 3/94.
Click here to view the article.

Malaguzzi, L. (1993). For an education based on relationships. (L. Gandini, Trans.). Young Children, 49(1), 9–12.

Moss, P., & Cremaschi, F. (Eds.). (2004, March). Celebrating 40 years of Reggio Emilia – The pedagogical thought and practice underlying the world-renowned early services in Italy. Children in Europe 6. Children in Scotland.

Reggio Children. (2011). The Wonder of Learning: The Hundred Languages of Children – An Exhibit from Reggio Emilia. Journal of Childhood Studies, 36(2), 36-38.

Rinaldi, C. (2001). The pedagogy of listening: The listening perspective from Reggio Emilia.  Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 8(4), 1-4.

Rinaldi, C (2003). The Teacher as a Researcher.  Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 10(2), 1-4.
Click here to view the article.

Rinaldi, C. (2004). The relationship between documentation and assessment. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 11(1), 1–4.

Spaggiari, S. (1996, April). Loris Malaguzzi and the children with heads held high. (L. Morrow, Trans.). Rechild News, (5).

Digital Publications

Reggio Children also offers digital resources to support ongoing research:

Malaguzzi, L. (2020). The Fragments E-Book Series. Reggio Children.

This series consists of 6 ebooks:

  1. Commentaries for a code to reading the exhibition “If the Eye Leaps over the Wall” (1981), “The Hundred Languages of Children” (1987).
  2. Children, the War and Us Living authentically with the different ways of feeling
  3. Design/Progettazione in infant-toddler centres and preschools Research open to wonder, between the possible, probable, and unpredictable
  4. Participation and social management Either we do education together, or there is no education
  5. School, buildings, furnishing Parallel lives, impossible lives? Coming soon:
  6. Our ideas on society, culture and childhood education

Reggio Children’s Digital Education Toolbox (2020)

Audio/Visual Resources


Barsotti, C. (n.d.). The man from Reggio Emilia. Mandragola [DVD].

Fasano, M. (Director). (2002). Not just anyplace: Reggio Emilia – An educational experience as told by the protagonists [DVD]. Reggio Children.

Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (1992). A message from Loris Malaguzzi: as interviewed by Lella Gandini, La Villetta School, Reggio Emilia, April 1992 [VHS video]. Reggio Children.

Reggio Children (2009). Landscapes: Open window work in progress – Photographs by teachers and atelieristas of preschools and infant-toddler centres, Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. [Slides on DVD].

Reggio Children (2011). The times of time: Photographic exhibition – children from the infant-toddler center to the primary school (L. Morrow, Trans.).  [Video and photographic montage on DVD].

Reggio Children (2012). Shadow stories: Poetics of an encounter between science and narration (J. McCall & L. Morrow Trans.). [DVD].

Reggio Children (2014). Everyday utopias: A day in an infant-toddler centre; A day in a preschool (L. Morrow, Trans.).  [DVD].

Reggio Children (2014). Participation is an invitation: Citizen, citizenship, participation. [DVD]

Reggio Children (2017). The many faces of the assembly: A study on the human figure in drawing, clay, and photography. [DVD].

Online Videorecordings

Forman, G., & Gandini, L. (2006). An Amusement Park for Birds [Video] YouTube.

De Poi, S. (Ed.). (2017, December 20). Piazza piazze [Film]. YouTube.

Filippini, T. (2012). Documentation: Transforming our perspective [Film]. Vimeo.

Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres – Istituzione of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and Reggio Children. (February 2020). Immagina un bosco / Imagine a forest [Film]. Vimeo.

Reggio Children. (2016). Planetary messages [Video]. Vimeo.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). Documentation – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series. YouTube.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). Introduction to Reggio Emilia – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series. YouTube.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). The Competent Child – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series. YouTube.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). Teaching and Learning – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series. YouTube.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). Making Learning Visible – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series. YouTube.

Rinaldi, C. (2012-2013). Reclaiming Childhood – from Adelaide Australia’s Thinkers in Residence series

Malaguzzi, L.

Cagliari, P., & Vecchi, V. Loris Malaguzzi and the Schools of Reggio Emilia

Vecchi, V. Art and Creativity in Reggio Emilia


Lanes, S. (Host). (2021, March 11). Meeting Malaguzzi with Amelia Gambetti (Part 1) Awakened to Reggio. [Audio podcast episode].

Lanes, S. (Host). (2021, May 9). Building an Approach with Amelia Gambetti (Part 2) Awakened to Reggio. [Audio podcast episode].


The Second Room – Secondary source material

Entries that begin with an asterisk* indicate that the authors / contributors include educators from Canada.  Entries that begin with two asterisks** indicate that contributors include educators from Ontario.


**Avery, J., Callaghan, K., & Wien, C. A. (2016). Documenting children’s meaning: Engaging in design and creativity with children and families. Davis Publications Inc.

Cadwell, L. B. (1997). Bringing Reggio Emilia home: An innovative approach to early childhood education. Teachers College Press.

Cadwell, L. B. (2003). Bringing learning to life: The Reggio approach to early childhood education. Teachers College Press.

Dahlberg, G., Moss, P., & Pence, A. (2007). Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: Languages of evaluation (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Dahlberg, G., & Moss, P. (2005). Ethics and politics in early childhood education. Routledge.

*Fleet, A., Patterson, C., & Robertson, J. (Eds.). (2006). Insights: Behind early childhood pedagogical documentation. Pademelon.

*Fleet, A., Patterson, C., & Robertson, J. (Eds.). (2012). Conversations: Behind early childhood pedagogical documentation. Pademelon.

*Fleet, A., Patterson, C., & Robertson, J. (Eds.). (2017). Pedagogical documentation in early years practice: Seeing through multiple perspectives. Sage.

*Fraser, S. (2013). Authentic childhood: Experiencing Reggio Emilia in the classroom (3rd ed.). Nelson Thomson Learning.

Gandini, L., Etheredge, S. & Hill, L. (2008). Insights and Inspirations from Reggio Emilia: Stories of Teachers and Children from North America. Davis Press.

Gandini, L., Hill, L., Cadwell, L., & Schwall, C. (Eds.). (2005). In the spirit of the studio: Learning from the atelier of Reggio Emilia. Teachers College Press.

Gandini, L., Hill, L., Cadwell, L., & Schwall, C. (Eds.). (2015). In the spirit of the studio: Learning from the atelier of Reggio Emilia. (2nd ed.) Teachers College Press.

Giamminuti, Stefania. (2013). Dancing with Reggio Emilia: Metaphors for quality. Pademelon Press.

Hendrick, J. (Ed.). (1997). First steps toward teaching the Reggio way. Prentice-Hall.

*Hendrick, J. (Ed). (2003). Next steps toward teaching the Reggio way: Accepting the challenge to change. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Hoyuelos, A. (2013). The ethics in Loris Malaguzzi’s philosophy. Reykjavik: Isalda.

Katz, L. G. & Cesarone, B. (1994). Reflections on the Reggio Emilia approach. ERIC Clearinghouse.

Krechevsky, M., Mardell, B., Rivard, M., & Wilson, D. (2013). Visible learners: Promoting Reggio-inspired approaches in all schools. Jossey-Bass.

Moss, P. (2019). Alternative narratives in early childhood: An introduction for students and practitioners. Routledge.

*Patterson, C., & Kocher, L. (2019). Pedagogies for children’s perspectives. Routledge.

*Stacey, S. (2011). The unscripted classroom: Emergent curriculum in action. Redleaf Press.

*Stacey, S. (2015). Pedagogical documentation in early childhood: sharing children’s learning and teachers’ thinking. Redleaf Press.

*Stacey, S. (2018). Emergent curriculum in early childhood settings: From theory to practice.  (2nd ed.). Redleaf Press.

*Stacey, S. (2023). Pedagogical documentation in early childhood: sharing children’s learning and teachers’ thinking. (2nd ed.). Redleaf Press.

Topal, C. W., & Gandini, L. (1999). Beautiful stuff! Learning with found materials. Davis Publications, Inc.

**Topal, C. W., & Gandini, L. (Eds.) (2019). Beautiful stuff from nature: More learning with found materials. Davis Publications Inc.

**Wien, C. A. (2004). Negotiating standards in the primary classroom: The teacher’s dilemma. Teachers College Press.

**Wien, C. A. (Ed.) (2008). Emergent curriculum in the primary classroom: Interpreting the Reggio Emilia approach in schools. Teachers College Press and National Association for the Education of Young Children.

**Wien, C. A. (2014). The power of emergent curriculum: Stories from early childhood settings. National Association for the Education of Young Children.

**Wien, C. A., Jacobs, B., & Brown, E. (2015). Emergent curriculum and the tension between relationship and assessment. In B. Spodek & O. Saracho (Eds.), Contemporary perspectives on research in assessment and evaluation in early childhood education. Information Age Publishing.

Books in French

 Dubois, E. (2022). La pédagogie à Reggio Emilia, cité d’or de Loris Malaguzzi. L’Harmattan.
(Note: this is a digital book.)


Please note that prior to April 2016, the journal that is now entitled “Journal of Childhood Studies” was entitled “Canadian Children”.  It continues to be the journal of the Canadian Association for Young Children.  Articles from this journal can be located and retrieved from

The journal Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange is the journal of the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance.  Prior to 2012, it had been published by The Merrill-Palmer Institute at Wayne State University.  Select back issues can be purchased from NAREA at

Acton, B., Cooper, M., & Neugebauer, B. (2004). Investing in future possibilities: The North American Reggio Emilia Alliance. Journal of Childhood Studies29(1), 41-42. Retrieved from

**Andrejas, T., Salau, L., Simon, M., & Pierce, N. (2021). In honor of a life with trees: Recollections of living in relation. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 28(3), 61.

**Brown, E. M. Interpretations of pedagogical documentation in early learning and kindergarten settings by educators in Ontario, Canada. Doctoral dissertation York University Toronto, Ontario June 2021

**Callaghan, K. (2002). Nurturing the Enthusiasm and Ideals of New Teachers Through Reflective Practice. Journal of Childhood Studies27(1), 38-41. Retrieved from

**Callaghan, K. (2013). The environment is a teacher. Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children. Ontario Ministry of Education, 11-15.

**Callaghan, K. (2018). Which wolf will you feed? In A. Pelo, & M. Carter, From thinking to teaching: A pedagogy for minds at work (pp. 333-336). Redleaf.

**Callaghan, K., & Avery, J. (2015). Inspired and inspiring change in early childhood education in Ontario. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 22(1), 10-21.

 **Callaghan, K., Long-Wincza, V., & Velenosi, C. (2018). “Of, Not For.”: The Evolving Recognition of Children’s Rights in a Community. Journal of Childhood Studies42(4), 17-36.

**Callaghan, K., & Redmond, S. (2020). The joy of rereading: “History, ideas, and basic principles: An interview with Loris Malaguzzi”. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 27(2), 26-33.

**Callaghan, K., & Kaminsky, J. (2023). Dissemination: Planting seeds. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 30(1), 4-25.

Carlsen, K., & Clark, A. (2022). Potentialities of pedagogical documentation as an intertwined research process with children and teachers in slow pedagogies. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 30(2). DOI: 1080/1350293X.2022.2046838

**Colley, A., Grzybowski, K., Humphreys, A., Sawyers, J., & Van Benschop, S. (2021). Beautiful ecologies: Deepening connection. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 28(1), 4-19.

**Dickinson, D., & Hislop, S. (2011). The way the words go: An emergent approach to music curriculum. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 18(4), 6-14.

**Doherty, D. A. (2004). The Reggio Approach to Education: A Seminar in Toronto, Canada. Journal of Childhood Studies29(2), 42-45. Retrieved from

**Dubey, P., Imbesi, A., McSherry, T., & Seaman, E. (2021). A gift of togetherness: How documentation connected and changed us in a changed world. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 28(3), 32-43.

Edwards, C. P. (1995). Democratic participation in a community of learners: Loris Malaguzzi’s philosophy of education as relationship.

Fyfe, B. (1998). Questions for collaboration: Lessons from Reggio Emilia. Canadian Children, 23(1), 22–24.

Fyfe, B., & Rinaldi, C. (2002). Making learning visible: Adults as individual and group learners. Journal of Childhood Studies27(1), 4-9. Retrieved from

*Gerst, B. (1998). Further reflections upon the applications of the Reggio view in a kindergarten classroom. Journal of Childhood Studies23(2), 43-48. Retrieved from

Giamminuti, S. (2011). The ‘value of locality’ in early childhood settings: Pedagogical documentation in the Reggio Emilia educational project. Journal of Childhood Studies, 36(2), 4-10.

Goldhaber, J. (2007). The development of an early childhood teacher research collaborative. Theory into Practice. 46(1), 74-80. DOI: 10-1080/00405840709336551

**Halls, D., & Wien, C. A. (2013). “The Wind Goes Inside of Me”: Kindergarten Children’s Theories About Running Fast. Journal of Childhood Studies38(1), 4-10.

**Kanata Research Park Family Centre. (2020). The gift of togetherness: Exploring relationships through listening in a changed world. The Gift of Togetherness.

**Kelly, J., Edwards, S.A., & Speir, S. (2019). Water pathways and research tributaries. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Emilia Exchange, 26(2), 12–23.

*Kocher, L. (2004). The disposition to document: Portraits of practice. Journal of Childhood Studies 29(1), 23-31.

Murris, K., Reynolds, R., & Peers, J. (2018). Reggio Emilia inspired philosophical teacher education in the anthropocene: Posthuman child and the family (tree). Journal of Childhood Studies 43(1). 15-29.

New, R. S. (1997). Reggio Emilia’s commitment to children and community: A reconceptualization of quality and DAP. Journal of Childhood Studies, 22(1), 7-12

New, R. (2007). Reggio Emilia as cultural activity. Theory Into Practice: Reggio Emilia, 46(1), 5-13.

Oken-Wright, P. (2001). Documentation: Both mirror and light. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange, 8(4), 5-15.

**Reynolds, G. (1998). Reggio Emilia — An Impossible Dream?. Journal of Childhood Studies, 23(2), 4-10.

*Sorzio, P. & Campbell-Barr, V. (2019). The Reggio Approach in Motion: Documenting Experiences, Reflecting on Practice, and Disseminating the Ideas. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(5), 1-12.
Click here to view the article.

*Tarr, P., & Fraser, S. (2002). Trees dotting the landscape. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange, 9(1).

**Tarr, P., & Wien, C. A. (2019). A Tribute to Sue Fraser. Journal of Childhood Studies44(3), 146-153.

**Trew, V., & Squires, K. (2019). Encounters with Reggio Emilia: Relationships, Equality, and Citizenship in Our Early Learning Setting. Journal of Childhood Studies44(5), 13-23.

**Wien, C. A. (1997). A Canadian in Reggio Emilia: The May 1997 Study Tour. Journal of Childhood Studies, 22(2), 30-38.

**Wien, C. A. (1998). Towards a Pedagogy of Listening: Impressions of the Centre for Early Childhood Education, Loyalist College, Belleville, Ontario. Journal of Childhood Studies, 23(1), 12-19.

**Wien, C. A. (2000). A Canadian in Reggio Emilia: Fraser’s Provocation. Journal of Childhood Studies, 25(1), 20-27.

**Wien, C. A. (2003). Scene for a Reflection: Neruda School, Reggio Emilia. Journal of Childhood Studies, 28(1), 44-45.

**Wien, C. A., Coates, A., Keating, B., & Bigelow, B. C. (2005). Designing the environment to build connection to place. Young Children, 60(3), 16–24.

**Wien, C. A., & Callaghan, K. (2007). “Fragile moments”: Artists co-constructing creative experience with children, parents, and early childhood educators. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange, 14(2), 13–21.

**Wien, C. A., Guyevsky, V., & Berdoussis, N. (2011). Learning to Document in Reggio-Inspired Education. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 13(2), 1-12.

**Wien, C. A., & Callaghan, K. (2014). From policing to participation: Overturning the rules and creating amiable classrooms. In C. A. Wien (Ed.), The power of emergent curriculum: Stories from early childhood settings (pp. 39-47). National Association for the Education of Young Children.

**Wien, C. A., & Kirby-Smith, S. (2014). Untiming the curriculum: A case study of removing clocks from the program. In C. A. Wien (Ed.), The power of emergent curriculum: Stories from early childhood settings (pp. 13–21). National Association for the Education of Young Children.

**Wien, C. A. (2015) What does documentation do?

**Wien, C. A., Van Benschop, S., & Papageorgiou, A. (2018). The relationship between documentation and design. Innovations in Early Education: The International Reggio Exchange, 25(1), 13–21, 4-15.

**Young, K. M. (2001). Practicing the Ideas of Reggio Emilia: A Growing Experience. Journal of Childhood Studies26(1), 28-32.

Articles in French

 Barrette, J. (2019). L’approche Reggio Emilia dans le programme-cadre de l’éducation à la petite enfance en Ontario [Mémoire de maîtrise, Université d’Ottawa, Canada]. Recherche uO.

Dubois, É. (2010). La pédagogie de Reggio Emilia. Actes du congrès de l’Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation. Université de Genève.

Dubois, É. (2011). Loris Malaguzzi, un pédagogue contemporain. Recherches en éducation 2011(12), 110-120.

Dubois, É. (2012). Une utopie éducative en Émilie-Romagne. Le Télémaque 1(41), 151-161.

Dubois, É. (2013). Reggio Emilia, Ville Éducative. La co-éducation dans l’approche préscolaire municipale. Revue internationale de l’éducation familiale 2(34), 83-103.

Dubois, É. (2019). L’ambiance selon la pédagogie de Reggio Emilia. Métiers de la petite enfance : Ambiances dans les lieux d’accueil 25(270), 15-17.

Moss, P., Humblet, P., & Rubio, M.N. (Eds.). (2004). Reggio Emilia, 40 ans de pédagogie alternative : Sur les pas de Loris Malaguzzi. Enfants d’Europe, (D. Fayer, Trans.). 4(6).
Note: this entire journal is available in French.

Moss, P. (2010). Quelle image faites-vous de l’enfant?. Note de l’UNESCO sur la politique de la petite enfance 2010(47).

Paquette, A., Lehrer, J., Bigras, N. (2016). L’image de l’enfant de l’approche de Reggio Emilia et du programme éducatif Accueillir la petite enfance du Québec. Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation 7(2). 89-96.

Online resources

**Artists at the Centre. (2015). Documentation. Artists at the Centre.

The Third Room

Publications listed here address the broader context that intersects with the philosophy of Reggio Emilia.  These are books and articles that can help us to think critically about contextual issues – discourses and geopolitical matters that are important to understand and address in order for transformation to happen.  Many of these resources will include general reference to Reggio Emilia, but address our dominant discourses rather than delving into details about the pedagogical strategies of the Reggio Emilia Approach.  Entries that begin with an asterisk* indicate authors / contributors include educators from Canada.  Entries that begin with two asterisks** indicate that contributors include educators from Ontario.


Canella, G., & Viruru, R. (2004). Childhood and postcolonization: Power, education, and contemporary practice. Routledge.

Dahlberg, G., Moss, P., & Pence, A. (2007). Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: Languages of evaluation (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Dahlberg, G., Moss, P., & Pence, A. (2013). Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: Languages of evaluation (3rd ed.). Routledge.

Dahlberg, G., & Moss, P. (2005). Ethics and politics in early childhood education.  RoutledgeFalmer.

Ingold, T. (2021). Correspondences. Polity Press.

Lenz Taguchi, H. (2010). Going beyond the theory/practice divide in early childhood education: Introducing an intra-active pedagogy. Routledge.

Mac Naughton, G. (2005). Doing Foucault in early childhood studies: Applying poststructural ideas. Routledge.

Moss, P. (2014). Transformative change and real utopias in early childhood education: A story of democracy, experimentation and potentiality. Routledge.

Olsson, L. M. (2009). Movement and experimentation in young children’s learning: Deleuze and Guattari in early childhood education. Routledge.

Roberts-Holmes, G., & Moss, P. (2021). Neoliberalism and early childhood education. Routledge.


**Bezaire, K. P., & Johnston, L. K. (2022). Stop ‘under-mind-ing’ early childhood educators: Honouring subjectivity in pre-service education to build intellectual and relational capacities. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. 23(4), 435-451.

**Callaghan, K., Hale, F., Taylor-Leonhardi, M., & Lavallee, M. (2018). Decolonizing and co-constructing contexts that welcome Indigenous practices and knowledges in early childhood education. eceLink Spring/Summer 2018, 17-26.

** Khattar, R., & Callaghan, K. (2015). Beyond professionalism: Interrogating the ideas and the ideals. Journal of Childhood Studies 40(1), 5-19.

Lubeck, S. (1998). Is developmentally appropriate practice for everyone? Childhood Education Annual Theme, 283-292.

Moss, P. (2007). Bringing politics into the nursery: Early childhood education as a democratic practice. European Early Childhood Education Journal, 15(1), 5–20.

**Ontario Ministry of Education. (2013). Think, feel, act: Lessons from research about young children [Research brief].

**Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014). How does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years.

**Ontario Ministry of Education. (2015). Think, feel, act: Lessons from research about children [Film]. YouTube.

Ryan, S., & Grieshaber, S. (2005). Shifting from developmental to postmodern practices in early childhood teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education. 56(1), 34-45. DOI: 10-1177/0022487104272057

Video Resources

DVDs, CD ROMs and Websites

Everyday Utopias: A Day in an Infant-toddler Centre and a Day in a Preschool. (2011). DVD

Landscapes: Open window – work in progress. This double CD-ROM contains more than 90 pictures of the environment of the infant-toddler centres and preschools of Reggio Emilia from the ‘80s until now.

The Many Faces of the Assembly: A study on the human figure in drawing, clay, and photography. (2017). DVD

Shadow stories: Poetics of an encounter between science and narration. (2012). DVD

Vimeo & YouTube Videos